Minimum Admission and Application Requirements by Country

ϸ is a highly selective university; therefore, meeting the minimum admission requirements and deadline dates is not a guarantee of admission. Only the most qualified candidates will be considered.

Country Requirements
AFGHANISTAN Baccalauria/General State Examination or High School Diploma
ALBANIA Diplomë e Maturës Shtetërore (Diploma of State Matura)
ALGERIA ܰé de l'Enseignement Secondaire
ANGOLA Certificado de Habilitação Literária/Secondary School Leaving Certificate
ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA A combination of CSEC results plus CAPE 2-unit results
ARGENTINA Bachillerato/Bachiller
ARMENIA Mijnakarg Yndhanur Krtoutian Attestat/Certificate of full Secondary Education
  • Australian Capital Territory/ACT - ACT Senior Secondary Certificate and a Record of Achievement; Tertiery Entrance Statement
  • New South Wales/NSW - Higher School Certificate/HSC
  • Northern Territory/NT - Northern Territory Certificate of Education & Training/NTCET
  • Queensland/QLD - Queensland Certificate of Education/QCE
  • South Australia/SA - South Australia Year 12 Certificate of Education/SACE
  • Tasmania/TAS - Tasmanian Certificate of Education/TCE
  • Victoria/VIC - Victoria Certificate of Education/VCE
  • Western Australia/WA - Western Australia Certificate of Education/WACE
AUSTRIA Reifeprüfungszeugnis/Matura/Matriculation Examination Certificate
AZERBAIJAN Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanii/Certificate of Complete Secondary Education
BAHAMAS A combination of CSEC results plus CAPE 2-unit results or successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning
BAHRAIN Tawjahiya/General Secondary School Certificate
BANGLADESH Higher Secondary Certificate
BARBADOS A combination of CSEC results plus CAPE 2-unit results
BELARUS Svidetel'stvo/o Srednem Obrazovanii/Certificate of Secondary Education
BELGIUM/BELGIQUE Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs/Secondary Education Diploma or Certificate d'Enseignement Secondaire supérieur or Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
BELIZE A combination of CSEC results plus CAPE 2-unit results
BENIN ܰé de ľEnseignement Secondaire
BERMUDA A combination of CSEC results plus CAPE 2-unit results
BHUTAN Bhutan Higher Secondary Education Certificate
BOLIVIA Bachillerato/Bachiller
BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA Diploma o položenom maturskom ispitu / Diploma o završenoj srednjoj školi
BOTSWANA A combination of the Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE) Ordinary results plus Advanced level results
BRAZIL Certificado de Conclusão de Ensino Médio/Certificate of Complete Middle Education
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM Combination of Brunei-Cambridge Ordinary & Advanced level results
BULGARIA Diploma za Zavurcheno Sredno Obrazovanie/Diploma of Completed Secondary Education
BURKINA FASO Successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning. (If you have completed the requirements for entry into university in your home country we encourage you to submit these documents for consideration on an individual basis.)
BURUNDI Successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning. (If you have completed the requirements for entry into university in your home country we encourage you to submit these documents for consideration on an individual basis.)
CAMBODIA Baccaluareat/ Certificate of Completion of Grade 12 or successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning
CAMEROON ܰé de ľEnseignement Secondaire or a combination of GCE Ordinary results plus GCE Advanced level results
CHILE Licencia de Educación Media
CHINA (PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF) Senior 3/Grade 12 Graduation Examinations
COLOMBIA Bachillerato/Bachiller (académico)
COSTA RICA Successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning. (If you have completed the requirements for entry into university in your home country we encourage you to submit these documents for consideration on an individual basis.)
COTE D'IVOIRE Successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning. (If you have completed the requirements for entry into university in your home country we encourage you to submit these documents for consideration on an individual basis.)
CROATIA Matura/Secondary School Leaving Certificate
CUBA Successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning. 
CYPRUS Apolyterion (Greek system); Lise Diplomasi (Turkish system)
CZECH REPUBLIC Vysvědčení o Maturitní Zkoušce/Secondary School Leaving Certificate
DENMARK Studentereksamenbevis (STX)/ Upper Secondary School Leaving Examination or Højere Forberedelseksamen (HF)/ Higher Preparatory Examination or Højere Handelseksamen (HHX)/ Higher Commercial examination or Højere Teknisk Eksamen (HTX)/ Higher Technical examination
ECUADOR Bachillerto/Bachiller
EGYPT Thanaweya a'Amma/General Secondary Education Certificate
EL SALVADOR Bachillerato/Bachiller (académico)
ERITREA Successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning. (If you have completed the requirements for entry into university in your home country we encourage you to submit these documents for consideration on an individual basis.)
ESTONIA Gümnaasiumi Lõputunnistus/Secondary School Leaving Certificate
ETHIOPIA Graduation before 2021: Ethiopian University Entrance Examination Certificate (EUEE) Graduation after 2021: Secondary School Leaving Examination (SSLE) or successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning
FIJI Form 7 Examinations
FINLAND Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/Studentexamensbetyg/Certificate of Matriculation
FRANCE ܰé or ܰé Général or ܰé Technologique
GAMBIA WAEC Examination results
GEORGIA Sashualo Ganatlebis Atestasi/Certificate of Secondary Education
GERMANY Abitur or Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife/High School Leaving Certificate
GHANA WAEC Examination results
GREECE Apolytirion
GRENADA A combination of CSEC results plus CAPE 2-unit results
GUATEMALA Successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning. (If you have completed the requirements for entry into university in your home country we encourage you to submit these documents for consideration on an individual basis.)
GUYANA A combination of CSEC results plus CAPE 2-unit results
HAITI ܰé or Diplôme d’Enseignement Secondaire or Certificat de Fin D’Etudes Secondaire or ܰé II
HONDURAS Successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning. (If you have completed the requirements for entry into university in your home country we encourage you to submit these documents for consideration on an individual basis.)
HONG KONG Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education/HKDSE
HUNGARY Érettségi Bizonyítvány/Secondary School Leaving Certificate
ICELAND Stúdentspróf/Upper Secondary School Certificate
INDIA All-India Senior School Certificate Examination/AISSCE or Higher Secondary Certificate/HSC or Indian School Certificate/ISC or Intermediate Examination Certificate or Pre-University Examination Certificate
  • Graduation Before 2019 (old system): Peesh-daneshgahii/Pre-university Year Certificate;
  • Graduation After 2019 (new system): Diplom-Metevaseth National High School Diploma
  • IRAQ Adadiyah/Sixth Form Baccalaureate
    IRELAND (REPUBLIC OF) Ardteistiméireacht/School Leaving Certificate
    ISRAEL Te’udat Bagrut/Matriculation Certificate or Mechina/University Preparation
    ITALY Diploma di Maturità or Diploma di Esame di Satao (classico or scientifico)
    JAMAICA A combination of CSEC results plus CAPE 2-unit results
    JAPAN Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shomeisho/Upper Secondary School Certificate of Graduation
    JORDAN Tawjihi/General Secondary Education Certificate
    KAZAKHSTAN Attestat o Srednem (Polnom) Obshchem Obrazovanii/Certificate of Complete Secondary Education
    KENYA Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education/KCSE
    KOREA (R.O.K) Immumgye Kodung Hakkyo Choeupchang/Academic Upper Secondary School Certificate
    KUWAIT Shahadat Al-Thanawiya-Al-A'ama/General Secondary School Certificate
    KYRGZSTAN Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanii/Certificate of Secondary Education
    LAOS Successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning. (If you have completed the requirements for entry into university in your home country we encourage you to submit these documents for consideration on an individual basis.)
    LATVIA Atestāts par Vispārējo Vidējo Izglītību/Certificate of General Secondary Education
    LEBANON / LIBAN ܰé II or ܰé Libanais/Lebanese General Secondary Certificate
    LESOTHO A combination of GCE Ordinary level results plus GCE Advanced level results or successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning
    LIBERIA West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE)/WAEC Examination results
    LIBYA Shahadat Al-Thanawaya Al-Aama/Secondary School Leaving Certificate
    LIECHTENSTEIN Maturazeugnis/Matura
    LITHUANIA Brandos Atestatas/Maturity Certificate
    LUXEMBOURG Diplôme de Fin d'Etudes Secondaires
    MACAO Certificado de fim de Estudios Secundarios or Senior 3/Grade 12 Graduation Examinations
    MACEDONIA Svidetelstvo za Zavreno Sredno Obrazovanie/Secondary School Leaving Certificate
    MADAGASCAR ܰé de ľEnseignement Secondaire du Second Degré
    MALAWI A combination of Junior Certificate of Education (JCE) examination results plus Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) examination results
    MALAYSIA A combination of STM Ordinary level results plus STPM Advanced level results
    MALI Successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning. (If you have completed the requirements for entry into university in your home country we encourage you to submit these documents for consideration on an individual basis.)
    MALTA A combination of Secondary Education Certificate Ordinary level results plus Advanced level results/MATSEC
    MAURITANIA ܰé or Diplome du ܰé de l'Enseignement du Secondaire
    MAURITIUS / ÎLE DE MAURICE A combination of GCE Ordinary level results plus GCE Advanced level results
    MEXICO Bachillerato
    MOLDOVA Diplomă de Bacalaureat
    MONGOLIA Gerchilgee/School Leaving Certificate
    MONTSERRAT A combination of CSEC results plus CAPE 2-unit results
    MOROCCO / MAROC ܰé or Diplôme du ܰé de l'Enseignement Secondaire
    MOZAMBIQUE Successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning. (If you have completed the requirements for entry into university in your home country we encourage you to submit these documents for consideration on an individual basis.)
    MYANMAR Successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning. (If you have completed the requirements for entry into university in your home country we encourage you to submit these documents for consideration on an individual basis.)
    NAMIBIA A combination of Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate (NSSC) Ordinary level results plus Advanced level results
    NEPAL Higher Secondary Certificate or the Proficiency Certificate
    NETHERLANDS Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs/VWO Certificate
    NEW ZEALAND National Certificate of Educational Achievement/NCEA Level 3 plus University Entrance Qualification
    NICARAGUA Successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning. (If you have completed the requirements for entry into university in your home country we encourage you to submit these documents for consideration on an individual basis.)
    NIGER ܰé or Bachelier de l'Ensignement du Second Degré
    NIGERIA West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE)/WAEC Examination results
    NORWAY Vitnemål fra den Videregående Skole/Certificate of Upper Secondary Education
    OMAN Successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning. (If you have completed the requirements for entry into university in your home country we encourage you to submit these documents for consideration on an individual basis.)
    PAKISTAN Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC)or Intermediate Certificate Examination
    PALESTINE Successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning. (If you have completed the requirements for entry into university in your home country we encourage you to submit these documents for consideration on an individual basis.)
    PANAMA Bachillerato/Bachiller
    PAPUA NEW GUINEA Higher School Certificate
    PARAGUAY Bachillerato/Bachiller (Humanístico-Scientífico)
    PERU Successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning. (If you have completed the requirements for entry into university in your home country we encourage you to submit these documents for consideration on an individual basis.)
  • Graduation Before 2018 (old system): Successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning. (If you have completed the requirements for entry into university in your home country we encourage you to submit these documents for consideration on an individual basis.)
  • Graduation After 2018 (new system): Grade 12/ Senior High School Diploma
  • POLAND Świadectwo Dojrzalości/Maturity Certificate
    PORTUGAL Certificado de fim de Estudos Secundarios or Diploma de Ensino Secundário
    QATAR Thanawaya Aam Qatari/Qatar Senior Schooling Certificate/QSSC
    ROMANIA Diploma de Bacalaureat
    RUSSIAN FEDERATION Attestat o Srednem Polnom Obshchem Obrazovanii/Certificate of Secondary Complete General Education
    RWANDA A combination of Rwanda Ordinary level Certificate results plus Rwanda Advanced Certificate of Education results or Diplôme de Fin ďEtudes Secondaires/Certificat des Humanitiés
    SAINT KITTS/NEVIS A combination of CSEC results plus CAPE 2-unit results
    SAINT LUCIA A combination of CSEC results plus CAPE 2-unit results
    SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES A combination of CSEC results plus CAPE 2-unit results
    SAUDI ARABIA Shahadat Al-Marhalat Al-Thanawiyyat/General Secondary Education Certificate
    SCOTLAND Scottish Qualifications Certificate Higher level results
    SENEGAL ܰé or Diplôme de Bachelier de l'Enseignement du Second Degré
    SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO Diploma o Završenoj Srednjoj Školi/Matura/Diploma of Acquired Secondary Education
    SEYCHELLES A combination of GCE Ordinary level results plus GCE Advanced level results
    SIERRA LEONE West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE)/WAEC Examination results
    SINGAPORE A combination of Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (O-Level) plus SingaporeCambridge General Certificate of Education (A-Level) at H2 level
    SLOVAK REPUBLIC Vysvedčenie o Maturitnej Skúške or Maturitné Vysvedčenie/Maturity Examination
    SLOVENIA Maturitetno Spričevalo/Maturity Certificate 
    SOLOMON ISLANDS Successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning. (If you have completed the requirements for entry into university in your home country we encourage you to submit these documents for consideration on an individual basis.)
    SOMALIA Successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning. (If you have completed the requirements for entry into university in your home country we encourage you to submit these documents for consideration on an individual basis.)
    SOUTH AFRICA National Senior Certificate with Matriculation endorsement
    SPAIN Título de Bachillerato
    SRI LANKA A combination of Sri Lanka General Certificate of Education Ordinary level results plus Advanced level results
    SUDAN Successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning. (If you have completed the requirements for entry into university in your home country we encourage you to submit these documents for consideration on an individual basis.)
    SURINAME Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs/VWO University Preparatory Education Diploma
    SWAZILAND Successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning. (If you have completed the requirements for entry into university in your home country we encourage you to submit these documents for consideration on an individual basis.)
    SWEDEN Avgångsbetyg/Slutbetyg Från Gymnasieskola
    SWITZERLAND Maturitätszeugnis or Certificat de Maturité or ܰé or Attestato di Maturità/federally recognized Cantonal Maturity Certificates
    SYRIA Al-Shahâda Al Thânawiyya/ܰé
    TAIWAN Senior High School Diploma
    TAJIKISTAN Attestat o Srednem Obshchem Obrazovanii/Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education
    TANZANIA A combination of Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) results plus Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSE)
    THAILAND Mathayom 6 (M6)/Higher Secondary School Certificate
    TOGO ܰé or Diplôme de Bachelier de l'Enseignement du Second Degré
    TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO A combination of CSEC results plus CAPE 2-unit results
    TUNISIA Diplôme du ܰé/Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire
    TURKEY Lise Bitirme Diplomasi/Devlet Lise Diplomasi/General Secondary School Diploma
    TURKMENISTAN Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanii/ Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education
    UGANDA A combination of the Uganda Certificate of Education results plus the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education results
    UKRAINIAN REPUBLIC Atestat Pro Povnu Zagal'nu Sersdniu Osvitu/Matriculation Certificate/Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education
    UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Shahadat Al-Thanawiya Al-Amma/Secondary School Leaving Certificate
    UNITED KINGDOM (ENGLAND, WALES, NORTHERN IRELAND) A combination of GCE Ordinary level results plus GCE Advanced level results
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA US Grade 12 diploma
    URUGUAY Successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning. (If you have completed the requirements for entry into university in your home country we encourage you to submit these documents for consideration on an individual basis.)
    UZBEKISTAN Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanii/Certificate of Secondary Education
    VENEZUELA Successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning. (If you have completed the requirements for entry into university in your home country we encourage you to submit these documents for consideration on an individual basis.)
    VIETNAM Bằng Tốt Nghiệp Trung Học Phổ Thông/Senior School Graduation Certificate
    YEMEN Successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning. (If you have completed the requirements for entry into university in your home country we encourage you to submit these documents for consideration on an individual basis.)
    ZAMBIA Successful completion of first year at an accredited institution of higher learning. (If you have completed the requirements for entry into university in your home country we encourage you to submit these documents for consideration on an individual basis.)
    ZIMBABWE A combination of Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (ZGCE O- Level) plus Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (ZGCE A-Level)