Public & International Affairs

Public & International Affairs

The two-year Masters in Public and International Affairs prepares Canada's future leaders for today's global challenges. It has three distinguishing features.  First, it is bilingual, students being required to take one-third of their courses and do their assignments in them in Canada's other official language. Second, it seeks to fuse together theory and practical knowledge. Instructors are both academics and practitioners.  Students learn to write briefing notes and memos to senior government officials.

They do a paid supervised internship with a government department, an international agency, or a non-governmental organization. Those students who wish to pursue an academic career have the opportunity to do a major research paper in their final year. Third, it is multidisciplinary and integrative: students are exposed in their courses to different methodological approaches and skills. The second-year Capstone Seminar is designed to bring together these diverse aptitudes in a dynamic learning environment.

As its name suggests, the MPIA has a strong international component. It encourages second-year students to go on a one-term exchange or to opt for the double Masters degree the MPIA has with the Université de Strasbourg in France. Our programme boasts a very high success rate in placing its graduates in enriching jobs in the federal or provincial civil service, as well as in international organizations or local bodies.       

Degrees Offered

Masters in Public and International Affairs (MPIA)

Program Length (Full-time)

5 term(s)

Program Component(s)

  • Major research paper
  • OR Course work only
  • OR Dual Degree with IEP Strasbourg in Year 2
  • OR one-term exchange in Year 2

Minimum Required GPA


Fall Entry

  • Full-time

Deadline - Fall (Full-time Applicants Only)


English Proficiency Requirement

Minimum TOEFL (Paper-based)600
Minimum TOEFL (Internet-based)100
IELTS (Academic Module)7.5
YUELIAcademic Program Level 9 with Distinction
YUELI Graduate Studies Preparation Program (GSPP)Graduate with distinction
CAELOverall score of 70, no component score less than 60
Minimum CPE ScoreC
Minimum CAE ScoreB
PTE Academic76

Additional Admission Requirements

Required Forms

En français
Informations complémentaires (PDF)
Formulaire d'évaluation (PDF)

Number of Recommendation(s)

  • 3 recommendation(s)

Other Requirements

  • Applicants are required to be proficient in at least one language (English or French), with at least a working knowledge of the other language
  • Resumé or CV
  • Statement of interest (approx. 500 words), in French & English, including Grad Course List
  • Seminar paper (5,000 to 7,500 words)

Languages requirements

Proficiency of the first official Language

A. Proof of English language proficiency is demonstrated by:

  1. Your first language being English; OR
  2. Completion of at least two years of full-time study at an accredited university in a country (or institution) where English is the official language of instruction; OR
  3. One of the following English language tests:
    •  a minimum score of 600 (paper based) or 100 (internet based)
    •  (International English Language Testing System) score of 7.5 (Academic Module)
    • : level C
    • : level B

B. Proof of French language proficiency is demonstrated by:

  1. Your first language being French; OR
  2. Completion of at least two years of full-time study at an accredited university in a country (or institution) where French is the official language of instruction; OR
  3. One of the following French language tests:
    •   (Test de Français International) Test: a minimum score of 455 in the Listening section and 455 in the Reading section
    •  (compulsory test only): level C1
    • : level C1

Working Knowledge of the second official Language

A. Proof of working knowledge of English is demonstrated by:

  1.  Completion of a minimum of one full-year university disciplinary course(s) with a minimum grade of B+, undertaken in the English language in the last three years of study; OR
  2.  Completion of a minimum of one full-year advanced English as a second language university course with a minimum grade of B+, in the last three years of study. Students are required to submit a sample of their written work and the course(s) syllabus(bi). A (telephone) interview may also be requested; OR
  3. One of the following English language tests:
    • : a minimum score of 550 (paper based) or 79-80 (internet based)
    •  (International English Language Testing System) score of 6.5 (Academic Module)
    • : level C1
    • : level C

B. Proof of working knowledge of French is demonstrated by:

  1.  Completion of a minimum of one full-year university disciplinary course with a minimum grade of B+, undertaken in the French language in the last three years of study; OR
  2.  Completion of a minimum of one full-year advanced university French as a second language course with a minimum grade of B+, in the last three years of study. Students are required to submit a sample of their written work and the course(s) syllabus(bi). A (telephone) interview may also be requested; OR
  3. One of the following French language tests:
    •   (Test de Français International) Test: a minimum score of 305 in the Listening section and 305 in the Reading section
    •  (compulsory test only): level B2
    • : level B2